Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Call Me Storm

I found another quiz from a friend's blog. "Which X-Men Are You?" I have to admit that I was quite dissapointed with X3 and I am hoping for another. There were just too many key characters that were killed off so I would like to see a continuation. I am pleased to announce though that my character is now running Xavier's School.

You scored as Storm. Storm is the secondary team leader of the X-Men. She has a peaceful personality and is a strong and humble leader. She loves gardening and is afraid of tight spaces. Powers: Control of the Weather



Jean Grey


















Emma Frost


Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Slap In the Face

It was already a rough day. I was coughing up a good chunk of money for some repairs on my car that I could not put off any longer. I set out to take care of three errands and they were all futile for various reasons and I just had a lot on my mind already about my dad and other things pressing on me right now in my life. I was driving down Waco Drive and a small 3 by 4 ft. billboard caught my eye. It was simple. It had a bright yellow backdrop with just three lines in bold black writting. The bottom line was the phone number you could call to learn more about the advertisment's offer. The top line read "DIVORCE." The middle line offered the top line for the mere price of only $79.50.

(254) 555-1234

OUCH. I can here the comercial advertisement now: "Have it all!! A broken family, emotional pain and emotional damage for life, and eternal consequences all for the small price of just $79.50. Have all of the happiness that you think you want but will never get by our method all for the cheap price of $79.50."

I lost it. Have you ever just screamed at the top of your lungs to get out the pain and frustration of life. Too much wailing and screaming, too often can be more damaging than good, but at times it can be thereaputic. It was that for me yesterday. It wasn't a time of questioning God and His ways, as it sometimes is. It was just me before God. "Here is your child. I hurt sometimes. A fallen world and my own sinfulness is the reason. May your grace and mercy rain down on me. Thank you for being a God of second chances."

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Four Things

My sister just sent this to me and since I just came out of a Theology Midterm I'm in need of a just some light brain work.

Side note on that...I've learned that working your brain out intensely should be treated just like working your body out intensely. It is a bad idea to after a strong workout of cardio and weights to just stop and sit down. As we all have been taught, your body needs to slowly work its way back down. It's needs to cool off slowly. If you stop a workout abruptly, then your body will cool down too quickly and your muscles will tighten up. I think the same is true for the brain. After intense studying and then releasing that information I've learned that it is harder for my mind to relax if I abruptly stop concentrating and do something completely mind-numbing afterwards, like watch TV. I can relax easier if I turn to something like reading for pleasure or filling out a survey. With that said...

Just answer each question with the appropriate 4 answers and then forward to your friends!! See what answers they return to you!!

A. Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Pier 1 Imports, Waco, TX & San Antonio, TX
2. Community Leader and Intern for Campus Living & Learning @ Baylor, Waco, TX
3. Thomas Kinkaid Art Gallery, San Antonio, TX (Yeah, yeah, yeah...I'll admit that...)
4. Carlton Cards, San Antonio, TX

B. Four movies you could watch over and over again
1. A Beautiful Mind
2. The Emporer's Club
3. The Princess Bride
4. LotR Trilogy (ok...that makes six movies I cheated.)

C. Name four places you have lived:
1. Poteet, TX
2. San Antonio, TX
3. Waco, TX
4. Boston, MA (Yeah...wishfull thinkg....maybe one of these days...)

D. Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Oh dear, I really have to admit this? Ok...Dawson's Creek. And yes, I own all of the season's that are out. (That's 5 out of 6)
2. Gilmore Girls...It's a very clever and witty show. Greg even watches it with me.
3. Seinfeld...(Greg has me hooked)
4. Simpson's

E. Four places you have been on vacation
1. Numerous ski resorts in CO and NM
2. Roadtrip up from NC to NYC: Stopped at Duke, DC, Getty'sburg, Allentown, Polono Mountains and MANY other places.
4. Bahamas & FL

F. Four websites you visit daily: (I'm not much of a surfer...)
4. (to satisfy all of the crazy little questions that pop into my mind nearly hourly.

G. Four of your favorite foods:
1. Greg's Mediterranean Pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and pine nuts.
2. Cereal
3. Hamburger Helper Beef Stroganoff....I'm serious
4. Taco Caserole that my mom makes.

H. Four places you'd rather be right now:
1. Hiking in Cameron Park right now with Greg
2. Laying on a beach in Florida
3. Visiting my sister (Mysister put this here and I'm leaving it.)
4. you I even need to write it? know....BOSTON!!

I. Four of your favorite things to do
1. Reading
2. Most things outdoors
3. Traveling
4. Spending time with friends

J. Four of your favorite drinks
1. Coca-cola
2. Mamosa (SP?)
3. Coffeeeee.... (The way Greg makes it)
4. Bluetini from Cheddars

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A New Journey

Today I began yet another journey with my family, and community. Two years ago, right around this time of year, God blessed my life with a second family, my church at Calvary. In this family, I have experienced community and the love of God like never before. I have been challenged and guided in gentle, yet firm ways. My gifts have been called out and I have been invited to use them. I have been allowed to make mistakes and to flourish and grow from my mistakes. I have been allowed to shed masks so that my imperfection is no longer concealed. With the revealing of the imperfection there is also a revealing of the redeeming work that God continues to do in my life.

Today, we began the journey of the Season of Lent together. This is the first church I have ever been apart of that celebrated the Christian year and it has become deeply rooted in my soul. This morning in our Ash Wednesday service we, as a community, invited God to come into our lives and cleanse us, and that He will do. I want to encourage you also to intently focus this Lenten Season toward God and find your dependency on Him.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Chipmumks & Mumps

Alright friends, as some of you may know, I have had this protrusion on the side of my face for several days that has gotten progressively bigger since Friday. I went to the doctor yesterday becasue it has been EXTREMEMLY painful because of the swelling and they decided to run some tests. The results are not back yet, but the test they chose to run was for MUMPS!! I couldn't believe it!! I've been vacccinated but aparently it is still possible to get them. In fact, many doctors believe that approximately one out of every 3 adults have mumps but they are just living doormant in the body. Freaky thought.

Well, I woke up this morning with a new development in the swelling. Instead of this sort of isolated protrusion around my jawline and ear, my whole cheek has swelled up. As a result, I look like a chipmunk. So, I had Greg take this picture for me...and please....don't hate me becasue I look soooo beautiful!!! JK. I can't believe I'm actually posting this on here, but it is too funny not to share. So cast your vote!! Which Chipette do I resemble the most:




If memory serves me correctly, Brittany is in the foreground, Eleanor is in the middle, and Jeanette is in the back. Oh...and that's me in the bottom picture, in case you can't tell. So go on and CAST YOUR VOTE!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Every Season

Nichole Nordeman

Every evening sky
An invitation
And early in July,
A Celebration
And I notice You
In children's games
In those who watch them from the shade
Every drop of sun is full of fun and wonder
You are summer

And even when the trees have just surrendered
To the harvest time
Forfeiting their leaves in late September
And sending us inside
Still I notice You when change begins
And I am braced for colder winds
I will offer thanks for what has been and was to come
You are autumn

And everything in time and under heaven
Finally falls asleep
Wrapped in blankets white, all creation
Shivers underneath
And still I notice you
When branches crack
And in my breath on frosted glass
Even now in death, You open doors for life to enter
You are winter

And everything that's new has bravely surfaced
Teaching us to breathe
What was frozen through is newly purposed
Turning all things green
So it is with You
And how You make me new
With every season's change
And so it will be
As You are re-creating me
Summer, autumn, winter, spring

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

God Thou Art Love

I better post before the month ends and January 2006 doesn't show up on my archives. Of course I could always manipulate it and change the date, but I think I'll post since I've had complaints on my lack of posting.

I remember singing God Thou Art Love at Calvary during the service last fall, deep in depression. It is so moving and lifting for me to sing it again now in light of where I am now and all off the joy that is in me right now in my life. By random chance (or perhaps not so much chance and more divine intervention,) the couple that this song was written for who are at Ouchita Baptist University were at Calvary last weekend when we sang it again in worship. They were in town moving their daughter in for law school. This song was compossed for them after the loss of their middle daughter. She was returning with a group who had been in Europe doing mission work. Their pilot made a bad judgement while landing a plane in rain and seven of the people on that trip died.

God Thou Art Love was a poem by Robert Browning and put to notes by a well-known chorale composer, Craig Courtney. A love of the stuff he does brings me to tears. Hearing the song is so much better than just reading the lyrics, but the lyrics are still powerful. Here they are:

If I forget, yet God remembers.
If these hands of mine cease from their clinging,
Yet the hands divine hold me so firmly, I cannot fall.
And if sometimes I am too tired to call for Him to help me,
Then He reads the prayer unspoken in my heart and lifts my care.

I dare not fear since certainly I know,
That I am in God's keeping
Shielded so, from all that else would harm.
And in the hour of stern temptation,
strengthened by his power.

I tread no path in life to Him unknown.
I lift no burden, bear no pain alone;
My soul a calm sure hiding place has found:
The everlasting arms my life surround,
My life surround!

God thou art love!
I build my faith on that.
I know thee who has kept my path.
And made light for me in the darkness
Tempering sorrow so that it reached me like a solemn joy. (<-- what an amazing line!!)
It were too strange that I should doubt thy love.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Thanks be to God

As I sit in my apartment by my self for the second Christmas Eve in a row, I can't help but reflect and think about where I was in my life at this exact time last year. I just got back from a beautiful Candlelight Service at my church and I am overwhelmed with a plethora of emotions. It has often times been a hard year, but more often than that it has been a blessed year for me. It seems appropriate at this time of year that I would be overtaken with some healthy moments of loneliness and darkness, but at other times I can be overwhelmed with joy and blessings. It must have been a similar experience for the Jews 2000+ years ago when they awaited the day of the Savior that God promised to them. The days of captivity for the Isrealites were dark. The feeling of being lost and forgotten by God must have been present. But there was also the reminder of His presence and His promise of blessing.

Last Sunday I was asked to give a testimony before my church congregation. It was a great experience for me to think of this time for me a year ago. I cannot express enough the joy that I have in my life when I think of what God has done, is doing and continues to do in me. I had to shorten it a bit for time reasons, but I wanted to post the lengthened version here for my readers in hopes that some may be blessed by it in some way.

A little over two years ago I entered into one of the darkest periods of my life. With events such as my parents divorce late in my high school days and the accumulated stress each semester at Baylor on how I was going to come up with the money that my scholarships did not cover and trying to maintain decent grades while working a slightly more than part time job, one more stressful event was all I needed to set me over the top. That one more traumatic event eventually did take place and my neat and organized little world that I had worked so hard to maintain crumbled to pieces right out from under my feet.

I struggled to escape the darkness for months. I longed to feel like myself again. I clung as tightly as I could to the promises that God would never leave me nor forsake me, but still the darkness persisted. After more time than I ever thought I could endure in self-pity I decided to try a new approach. I tried to accept the despair that I was in and I prayed for God to meet me in it and walk with me through. Although I knew that I was not alone because God’s promises are good and true I still could not escape my melancholy days.

After a year of futile attempts to leave my dark days behind I finally gave up. I made a conscious decision to no longer try to reach out to God. I made up my mind that if He was not going to respond to my needs, or at least the needs that I thought I had, then I was no longer going to talk to Him or try to have a relationship with Him. It was in this time that I understood faith that is small as a mustard seed; for even though I was turning away from God I was doing it with complete certainty that my time away from Him would not last. I was somehow confident that He would not leave me alone for long and that He would come rescue me soon.

Soon did not come as quickly as I expected it to. Instead my days only got darker. I barely survived through the toughest semester of my life. I lost ability to perform everyday tasks such as taking notes in class and focusing while studying or at work. I even lost the ability to enjoy myself when I was spending time with friends.

More months went by and I got worse. The climax came when I was sitting in my first final for the Fall Semester and I was trying to take a test that I was not prepared for and everything that had been causing stress in my life hit me like a freight train. I was so overwhelmed with all of the things that I had been neglecting my life due to the darkness I was in, it was all I could do to get a few words down on my test paper and get out of the room before I broke down.

When I was able to leave I went straight for the office of a professor and friend that I trusted. She was not in her office so I got in my car and drove to her home, completely uninvited, but I somehow knew that she wouldn’t mind. I knocked on her door several times, but the only result for the disturbance on the dogs. I walked back to my car and unlocked the door just in time to see her vehicle drive up the street.

She warmly invited me in and sat down to listen to the swarming thoughts in my flustered mind. When I finished struggling to get the last of my thoughts out, she helped me realize something important about what I had been going through for over a year. My friend informed me that I was depressed. This thought may seem completely obvious to an outsider, but to the one in the midst of the darkness it is often the last thing that is realized.

I finished struggling through my finals over the next couple of days but it was useless. There was no way I could make up for all of my lost time. I had to accept my D’s along with the loss of most of my scholarships I began to face the fact that there was no way that I could continue at Baylor in the state that I was in. The worst part was that I only had one more semester to finish before I graduated. One more semester! Why hadn’t God rescued me from myself? My questions abounded but I somehow still knew that He had not forsaken me and He was not done with me.

With a heavy heart I packed up the things in my apartment and prepared for a full semester and summer at home in San Antonio with my mom. Four years prior when I had packed up my room in San Antonio to move to Waco I never dreamed I would be going back without a degree. I knew that the degree did not make up my worth as a person, but not having it was a sign that I had failed at something in my life. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to go back to Baylor or not. Even though I had tentative plans to go back in the next fall, I didn’t know if the money would be there and more importantly, if I would be healthy enough to be there.

While at home I found two part time jobs to start saving money and I began seeing a counselor to help me work through the depression that had held me for so long. Oh how long and difficult the road was. Each day presented itself with new struggles, but something was changing in me. I was beginning to see God do the miraculous work that He does so well. I was beginning to crave intimacy with Him once more. These cravings were not of my own doings but I understood them to be God doing what I had longed for Him to do. He was meeting me in my place of darkness and He was rescuing me. The small amount of faith that I had when I turned my back on Him was blossoming.

A year later from that time, hear I am in front of you telling a story that has turned into a celebration in my life. Four months ago my scholarships were graciously renewed on a probationary status and I was able to come back to Baylor. The worst semester of my life was followed a year later by the best semester in my life. I successfully completed my last full semester at Baylor and I am on my way to Truett Seminary in just a couple of weeks. Though I could not see anymore than a day ahead at a time, God faithfully led me through and restored the relationship that I longed to have with Him again. He once again became my Emmanuel. Thanks be to God.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Lewis on the Island of Niatirb

Since I owe my blog title to Lewis I think it is only appropriate that I occasionally pay homage to him and his great works. I was reading through some of those great works tonight and I came across an essay that I have read several times before, but it is particularly appropriate now. I think this is the first time I have ever read this particular essay during the Advent Season. He says in much more eloquent language what I was trying to say in my post last night. He writes about an island that he is familiar with called "Niatirb." He tells of the strange customs that the people of Niatirb partake in, in the middle of winter. These customs last fifty days and are in preparation for a festival that they call "Exmas."

During this time each citizen is obligated to send out to all their friends and relatives "a square piece of hard paper stamped with a picture, which in their speech is called an Exmas-card." These pieces of hard paper have pictures on them that must be a representation of the festival which no one speaks of because, as Lewis supposes, it must be a "sacred mystery." There is great hustle and bustle to take care of these Exmas-cards. Each person is greatly satisfied to find such a similar card from a friend or relative that they sent one to, but when they find one "from any to whom they have not sent, then they beat their breasts and wail and utter curses against the sender; and, having sufficiently lamented their misfortune, they put on their boots again and go out into the fog and rain and buy a card for him also."

A similar torment is caused by the exchange of gifts. This torment is worse, however because one must determine the worth of the gift each friend will send him and must in turn send a gift of equal worth. This is a time when sellers benefit for each person buys ridiculous things that they would never buy themselves (things which the sellers can't sell at any other time of the year,) whether they can afford it or not. These customs bring on such weariness that anyone visiting the city of the Niatirbians "at this season would think some great public calamity had fallen on Niatirb." The fifty days in which this takes place is called the Exmas Rush.

Lewis goes on to explain other customs of the Niatirbians such as the excessive eating and drinking that contributes to the depleted state of the people.

There are a few in Niatirb who do not celebrate this festival, but instead celebrate the festival of "Crissmas." Many rituals are done which are quite opposite to those that take place during Exmas, (even though Exmas and Crissmas are on the same day.) Lewis continues his story on the Niatirbians by repeating a discussion he has with a priest who explains the festivals of Exmas and Crissmas to him.

I shall not spoil any more of the story here, for it would be far better for you to get your hands on the book, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics. If you would like to get your hands on my book (that is borrow it,) let me know and I would love to lend it to you. You can also buy it from Amazon buy clicking on the title of this post.

In case you didn't catch it, read Niatirb backwards. I think we may all know of similar customs of Exmas and Crissmas that take place a land called Acirema.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Celebrating the Advent Season

This year, I am trying hard to turn my focus on the holiday season from Christmas to Advent. What is the difference? A pretty big one. When I think of Christmas, there are certain things that come to mind immediately: gifts, shopping, decorating, etc. None of these things are bad things to think about when it is time for the Christmas season, but they are a distraction from the most important thing to think about. When I think of the Advent season, my thoughts immdiately go to the meaning of the word "Advent." In Latin, it means "to come." Thinking of Advent helps me think about the incarnation of the Almighty God as a helpless baby on earth. I also think about when Jesus will return a second time to earth to reign forever. This is where my focus should be and it is so hard for me to keep it there. Our society has changed the priorities of the Christmas Season from the ultimate gift of forgivness to the best time to feed consumerism. Oh how the two ideas clash!!

I am fortunate enough to attend a churchthat keeps it's focus on Christ. I wish I could write more eloquently. I have sp many thoughts on the subject, but I sruggle to find the right words. I'll leave you with a great quote I found on a website that explains an even greater and deeper meaning for the Advent Season.

"Thus, Advent is far more than simply marking a 2,000 year old event in history. It is celebrating a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God."