Monday, June 21, 2004


I fought against having a blog for a long time. In fact, even after I started one a month ago, I didn’t write my second entry until just now, but I’ve finally been “sucked in.” Most people that I know have their blogs to put down thoughts, day’s events, ventings etc. so their friends or anyone else could read. I thought that it would be better just to actually have a conversation with a person about these thoughts (many of which are very profound and enjoyable to read) and let it help develop the relationship instead of posting them on a website. But I have finally decided that I value the blogs that my friends have. I have been able to keep up with my friends that are in other states or across the ocean or just down the block by their blogs. I have found insight into their minds in a way that is slightly different from having a conversation with them. The blogs have even been a way to strike up conversation about the topics written about.

I would like to think that I could communicate most of what goes on in my mind to people around me and let them see many different aspects of me through conversations, but the fact is, I can’t have a conversation with even one person that I know (let alone many of the people that I know) about ever single thing that goes through my mind. I’m certainly not saying that everything that goes through my mind is worth sharing, but there are some things that I would like to share that I don’t always get to. Some of these things are sprung from conversations I have had, books I have read, people I have observed, etc. I don’t promise a load of profound thought, or even any profound thoughts, but I do hope that conversation comes from this blog to strike up conversation and develop relationships around me more.

I think that I will only give the URL address to a few people to begin with, but I’m sure eventually, I will make it more public. I hope you will enjoy, consider, and challenge what you read here. Please feel free to give me your positive comments and your criticisms.


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