Tuesday, March 01, 2005

How To NOT Get a Date

Some guys just don’t get it.

I got hit on today at work. It was not a pleasant experience to say the least. Quite amusing, but definitely not pleasant. This nice looking guy around his mid to late twenties walked into my store and I walked over to him to greet him as I do all the customers. I asked if he needed help finding anything and he said he was just looking. (I’ll bet that’s what he was doing…) I went back to what I was doing and a few seconds later he walked over to me. I acknowledged him with a small smile and he began the conversation.
“Do you know where I could go clubbin’ around here?”
“Hmmm…clubbing,” I repeated.
“Yeah, I just got transferred here to Fort [Something or Other] and I was looking for a place to have a good time.”
I could plainly see where this conversation was headed all too quickly so I kept my nose in my work and tried to keep him focused on his question.
“Well, sir, were you looking for country clubs or another kind?”
“Anything really.”
Based on his boots and tight Wrangler attire I proceeded to give him directions to a country-dancing club.
“If you drive down this road that…”
“You got a boyfriend?” he interjected rather anxiously.
“Yes, I do.” (It’s so convenient to pull the “boyfriend card” out sometimes.)
“Ah, well that was the only reason I was asking. I just went through a divorce and she just couldn’t keep following me where I was getting transferred. I just want to be honest with you.” (Very considerate of him to be honest with me. I was also wondering how long he was able to hold down a wife since he looked so young, but I refrained from my curiosity.)
“Would you still like directions to the club?” I asked him as I wondered why he was still standing there.
“Nah, I probably need to take it easy and stay single for a while.” (Translation: I need to remain ignorant so I have a reason to ask another girl.)
“That’s probably not a bad idea,” I tried to affirm him…
“Well it was nice to meet you,” he said as he finally started to back away.
“We didn’t actually meet.” (DOH!! Why did I say that?!?!?)
“Ah…I’m sorry.”
He began to walk back towards me. I thought he was going to introduce himself. Silly me… He reached his hand out and said:
“Can I get your number?”
Again, with a sweet smile, I replied, “No, I don’t think so.”
“Oh, all right. Have a nice day.”
“Thank you, you too.”

I wonder if there are girls who actually respond to that kind of pathetic attempt to get a date. If so, I feel sorry for them that they don’t have the self-esteem to want to be pursued and made to feel important and respected by a guy.

I should have been born back in the days of courting…