Friday, June 24, 2005

World Championship # 3!!

What a night!! I had to miss the first half tonight, but I was able to liten to the half-time report on the radio while driving home and see the entire incredible second half. This is the first time that I've been able to be in SA when the Spurs won a championship. The first year, I was with my best friend in high school spending the night at her house which is about 30 minutes outside of SA, and the second time I was in Waco. It was so fun to be in town for this won...I mean one. (Ok, bad pun, but I couldn't resist.) I watched the second half with my mom and then we celebrated with some champaign durring the award presentations, then I went to Jims to celebrate with my boyfriend over some desserts. The drive to Jims was the best part. Horns were honking and people were cheering all over the place. I even got a cop car to honk with me while we waited at a stop light. (Pretty daring, I thought.) It was like Baylor's campus after we beat A&M in football or after the Lady Bears won the championship, but on a much larger scale.

I'm going to half to miss the Saturday parade because my boyfriend and I are going to visit my sister and her husband in Houston, but if I wasn't doing that I'd probably have to work anyway. I am a little bit dissapointed becuase I really wanted Manu to win the MVP award, but my only reason is because I like him so much. I am glad that Tim got it though because that puts him up there with Magic, Jordan and Shaq as a three-time Finals MVP winner. What an exciting time to be a Spurs fan. (I've been one since I was eight, and it only gets more and more exciting.) Something else really exciting is that Tim and Manu are signed on until 2010 and Tony is signed until 2011. Thats three key playes that we get for at least five more seasons each. WOW!! We havce such a great team all around. I'm so proud!! (Not that I had anything to do with the win...I'm just proud of the guys.)'s late.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Saga Continues...

I awaited the coming of the final installment of Star Wars, with great excitement and anticipation, but also with some dissapointment. Along with Episode 3 came the reality that it was the last of the great trilogies that I've enjoyed over the past half a decade. A year and a half ago, The Matrix ended which I got to enjoy with my Classical Philosophy class and then again in the home theater of Scott and Chris' house, (and John, Myles, and Jesse's.) Not long after that, The Return of the Kingwent to theaters, but fourtunately, the fun wasn't over then for The Lord of the Rings. A year later the extended version came out and I got to enjoy nearly another hour of extra footage. I thought that all of my fun in watching amazing movie series' had ended on May 17th with The Revenge of the Sith but to my joy, I was proven wrong tonight. As I sat in the theater watching previews before Episode 3 (again...) the rumors that I'd heard proved to be true. Four children in a train set early in England showed up on the screen and I almost instantly recognized one of my favorite books ever written. Six months from now, on December 9, Disney will present Clive Staples Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. I got so excited in the theater it was hard for me to stay seated and not begin jumping up and down. Watching the scenes flash across the screen was so exciting. Many of the scenes I saw were exactly as I'd imagined them as I read the books. Ooooooohhhhhhh......I can't wait!! Until then, I go here to quench my thirst.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Western Conference Champions!!

Spurs championship number three is on it's way. Game one starts on the 9th and I'm pumped, as are many Spurs fans. (May I brag a bit and point out that unlike many Spurs fans, I've been one for fifteen years which includes the year The Admiral had injury after injury and was out the whole season in which we had the worst record in the NBA which led to us acquiring TD in the draft since we had first pick. I'm a loyal fan.)

I'm tired so and I have to get up early for a doctor appointment so the rest of this post will be brief. I wanted to point out what a great team the Suns were. After playing some awful games in which we had some terrible calls on us against Denver and after the arrogant team in Seatle who had the audacity to cheer when Tim was down and hurt and boo him when he was ok enough to get up and walk, it was a nice change to actually get to see the guys play good basketball against a good strong and well-deserving team. When I found out that Steve Nash was the MVP I was pretty upset because I'd never really watched him. (The only team I ever watch are the Spurs.) But after watching him play and hearing him speak, I think he is a great team player and great guy with an amazing talent. I don't mind so much anymore that he got it. It was clear that each team respected the other immensly and they always had gracious and respectful things to say about the other. Although I hate to see a good team go down, I'm glad that the Spurs, another good team (and my preferred team) walked away with the win.

(Sorry for the run-ons and typos. I'm not going for gramatical accuracy tonight so I didn't proof-read.)