Sunday, October 24, 2004

I like these times...

I am sitting at the desk at work. The rain is consistenly pouring down outside and I am warm and cozy inside. The weekend shifts are my favorite because things are not as bustling. About ten minutes passes between people walking through the doors. People don't pay much attention to me unless they need something. I don't mind. In this particular setting I like the fact that I am noticed only when I am needed. It is peaceful and silent when I want to do homework, read, or just think. When I'm tired of that, I can play my radio station and enjoy being alone.

It is interesting to compare the different environments of Collins Hall, and The North Village. Collins was always booming with hyper, excited and sometimes annoying, yet sweet freshmen girls. There was always the constant flow of guys coming to visit them as well. The North Village is drastically different. Whether it is a difference in their social life, priorities or some unknown factor, the lobbies are not the hangout place here. Though the atmosphere is significantly different, my role is the same. I sit here, attentive, and am noticed only when I am needed.

Being in this kind of position can sometimes be lonely, and it has been just that for me at times. Oddly enough, I find a strange sense of comfort in that loneliness. It is very difficult to explain. In that loneliness there is an assurance that I don't have everything in my life figured out. When I remember that figuring things out in life is an on-going process and as long as I keep working, I will keep finding the means to my end. It will seldom be easy, mind you, but I know that I can deal with a lot of junk before I trip over it.

In my three and a half years at Baylor one of my favorite places to be has been the Residence Hall desks. I have had some amazing conversations and great times with residents, CLs, and OAs at these desks. Just this past Thursday, I spoke with an exchange student from China who was so excited that I had not only read the Bible but I had also memorized bits of it. She asked some good but hard questions that really challenged my thinking and my views on how non-Chrisitans view Christianity. Kelli and Lindsay and I have had some of our best girl time at the desk. The desk was also the best bonding place for our staff last year. Though it may sound odd, I am going to miss these desks and the peaceful and comforting memories they hold for me.


Blogger Neil E. Golemo said...

It's kind of nice to hear how "the other side" lives. That's funny because some of my favorite moments I've ever experienced here at Baylor took place in the immediate vicinity of the Brooks Hall front desk.


I imagine the same could be said of any place where people here at this wonderful school tend to congregate. Good people, great times.

12:35 AM  

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