Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Why is it so hot here?!?!?

I'm sitting at my computer with the thermostat in my apartment on 70 with my fan on and staring at this in disbelief. I put a thermometer outside just to make sure it was right. Sure enough, it's late October and the temperature is above 90 degrees. I didn't even need to look at the thermometer or to make sure of that. I only needed to step outside and suffocate in the first five seconds I step out there to know how hot it is. Homecoming is this weekend and I'm starting to wonder why Chamber sells long-sleeve t-shirts for Homecoming weekend. It doesn't look like it is going to cool down any time soon either. I've got to stop traveling to these nice cool places where I need a jacket for comfort and then coming back to Texas. This is abnormally warm weather though. We went the entire summer without reaching the hundred mark and then school starts and the heat wave rolls in about a month late. I thought it was going to be a shorter heat wave since it was late, but I guess I was wrong. I need the cold so I can start acclimating myself to the bitter cold winters I will likely be facing next year. I want that snowy Valentine's Day again. :-(


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