Thursday, September 23, 2004

My "Heretical" Statement

Today one of my friends and I were looking at my books. We were making fun of the fact that I used to wrap the covers in contact paper so that there was less chance of them getting messed up. She asked if they were all covered and I pulled a book off that had many bubbles in the contact covering. I explained that I got frustrated when it had bubbles in it and that is why I stopped covering them. I'd rather deal with trying to keep the corners nice than with bubbles. This is a place where my obsessive compulsive disorder comes out strong. As I was putting the book back on my shelf, she read the title:
"131 Christians Everyone Should Know"
I explained that it was a book that had a one hundred and thirty-one, 3-4 page biographies of Christians in it. She liked the idea of the book as she indicated by her smile. Our conversation continued like this:
"Pick a famous Christian that you know." (I like playing games like this. :) )
She glanced at my bookshelf and picked the first name she saw, "C.S.Lewis."
I opened my book and showed her his biography.
"Billy Graham is in here too." I said thinking that she would like that.
"Oh," she said, again smiling. "Is Ruth in there?"
"Ruth Graham?" I asked
"No, they only had two-thousand years to pick from so they had to be pretty selective." I said with a sly smile.
She started to laugh. She turned her back to leave my room as she was laughing and asked if Jesus was in there?
"No, he isn't."
Surprised, she turned back around.
"Jesus wasn't a Chrisitan," I told her.
Her smile left abrubtly. She looked at me, and then rolled her eyes back in her head as if to stare at her brain and think about what I had just uttered. As what seemed like blatant heresy began to settle into her thoughts, her smile began to return.
"I never thought about that before!!" She exclaimed. She left my room smiling again.


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