Thursday, August 12, 2004

Funny Story

Last night I went to see The Village, yes, for the second time. I had a friend who hadn’t seen it yet, and I thought he would enjoy it, so I offered to sit through it a second time. Well, actually it was my idea to go, because I was anxious to see it again. It was better the first time around, but still worth seeing again. All of this is irrelevant to my point, but those of you who know me well know how I like details. So…back to my story.

Last night I went to see The Village. At one point in the movie, I was anticipating a scene when I remember something popping out and scaring me and I was trying to prepare for the moment. Well, my preparation attempts were in vain and it still scared the poop out of me (not literally, thank goodness.)

Since I am normally cold in a theater, I was in my normal fetal position. However, when the scary part came, I gave out some sort of shriek that surprised even me. In addition to my shriek, my four limbs went shooting away from me in my fetal position which probably looked like a bomb exploding from an outsiders point of view. My legs flew out in front of me with such force that I hit the chair in front of me with both feet, (thankfully there was no one sitting in front of me.)

::Side note::
As one of my odd attributes, I have a long second toe. Apparently, not many people have this great feature, so it is subject to many jokes. Well, I’ve just created another reason for it to be made fun of.
::End side note::

My left foot second toe hit the back of the chair so hard that it is bruised and hard to walk on. It is pretty swollen and I think it might even be broken, if not sprained badly. My right second toe has had a toe ring on it for many, many years and I hit that one so hard that the toe ring cut into my toe.

So, now I am trying hard to recover my poor toes. Oh, and by the way, I still like the fact that my second toe is longer than my first. It makes me different.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it comes off, keep it as a souvenir. I'm already going to be laughing well into the next millennium.

By the way, it did pretty much look like a bomb exploded.

~~ The Infamous Telemachus

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did your friend kiss it to make you feel better? A true friend would of.... :)
Chris E

5:56 PM  
Blogger Kessa said...

Fortunately, my friend did not subject himself to kissing my toe, but he did give me a band-aid and some medicine. :)
By the way, the swelling has gone down on my left toe (though it is still purple,) and my right toe is healing beautifully.

6:25 PM  

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