Tuesday, July 20, 2004

My Sermonette

So, I had my first chance to “preach” yesterday.  I marked ‘preach’ off in quotes because I wasn’t behind a pulpit or even podium and a mike was optional.  (I opted not to have the mike because I wanted to test my projecting skills, which worked out pretty well.)  It was quite exciting for me.
I was asked to give a devotional (which I would rather call a sermonette because of its length, about fifteen minutes) for the first day of the three week training program (know as Summer Institute) for Campus Living and Learning which is where I am an intern.  The training is mainly for all of the Hall Directors, other CL&L associates, and all of the central office staff.  That for me is intimidating enough simply because I know each of the hall directors well enough to know how they would critique what I would have to say.  But add on top of that, the Dean of Student Life, Eileen Hulm, the Dean of Campus Living and Learning, Frank Shushok, and the chaplain of Baylor University, Todd Lake, and I thought I’d be a nervous wreck.  However, despite the potentially intimidating people, I was pleased at the outcome.  I think that I was well prepared, and I was able to present without my nerves acting up too much.
The most frustrating part for me was the preparation.   I had been pretty dry for a few weeks, so coming up with a “sermonette” was like trying to pull a river out of a dry well for me.  God was faithful though and He provided as I prepared.  I’m not so dry anymore either.  I am anxious for more opportunities to stretch myself and get practice in preaching or whatever you want to call it.  I like to call it preaching, but that’s just me.  ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it kinda funny - how sometimes when we are the dryest is when God uses us the most. Whats the deal with that? two thumbs up,
chris e

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny... in your last post you talk about blogging perfection, but in this one you end the first sentence in your second paragraph with a prepositional phrase ("which is where my internship is at"). Then you used and twice in listing multiple items...

haha i'm just giving you a hard time.

glad to hear your devotional went well. maybe i'll ask you to give one during our training. ;)

~your resnet guy. :p

8:15 AM  
Blogger Kessa said...

I think I got 'em both fixed. Unfourtunately, I've never been that great at grammar, though I do love to write. Thanks for proofing it for me. Why aren't you studying English? :)

3:09 PM  

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