Saturday, October 30, 2004

Maroon Out

It's the Battle of the Brazos weekend. I'm working the desk right now with my Aggie Sister t-shirt on and I'm watching all of these Maroon Out t-shirts walk by outside and I can't help but get excited about seeing them. I know that I find myself in the minority about this, but I'm not ashamed to say that I like Aggies, and I bleed maroon with them. I had planned on going to A&M for most of my life, and it wasn't until I was called into the ministry my junior year in high school that I decided to redirect my studies to Baylor.

Since my sister was at A&M, I would visit her on occasion and get excited about one day being there amidst all of the maroon, the "Howdy's," the 12th Man Spirit, the Midnight Yell Practices and the list goes on. There is such a rich tradition that I have not found at any other school I've ever visited. Granted, I know about as much about A&M traditions as I know about Baylor traditions, but even in comparing those two, Baylor looks weak in tradition. A&M doesn't excel in football as much as they'd like to, but they still pack out Kyle Field for every game because their spirit is strong. Today, Floyd Casey Stadium will probably have more maroon than gold in it.
Side note: By the way, our idea for Gold Rush stemmed from A&M's Maroon Out. Maroon Out was started when Aggies were tired of seeing more red on their campus than maroon when the Nebraska Cornhuskers would come to play. They unified all of their organizations by selling $5 maroon t-shirts and they "marooned out" the stadium.

I don't understand why A&M always gets such a hard time from people. I don't think I've ever had a class at Baylor where Aggies weren't the brunt of at least one joke at some point in the semester. Most of the jokes are geared towards some type of stupidity found among Aggies. I've been around a lot of Aggies and I have not found this to be a general consensus among them. They do have their share of those that are immature and not so bright, but what school doesn't for that matter? Some people make fun of the strong tradition as if it is some type of cult, but it's really just strong school spirit. Yeah, some of the freshmen go overboard but given time, they grow out of it and simmer down. There is such great comradery and so many connections that one has when one graduates from A&M. I've discovered that most of the people that make fun of A&M are really ignorant about the school and what it offers to its students in all areas of an institution.

I'm proud to be an Aggie sister and an Aggie sister-in-law and if I could have had the chance to go to college twice, I'd be proud to be an Aggie. So bring on the jokes. I can take 'em.


Blogger Neil E. Golemo said...

Um, the words "gross" and "shameful" come to mind... Oh well, I guess being one of the Aggie faithful is its own punishment in the end! ;)

I can understand or even warrant your excitement. I'm a die-hard college sports fan, especially football, and I actually grew up a Big-10 boy. I'm a HUGE Michigan fan. (GO BLUE!)

However, Baylor is, and will always be, my Alma Mater. And I could go in-depth in explaining what "Alma Mater" means, but I'm sure you know. So if Baylor should ever have the fortune to play Michigan, the team I've ALWAYS loved, I'd still root for Baylor. I'd hope they Sic 'em and Sic 'em good! I guess what I'm saying is, you should dance with who brung ya. ;)

Sic 'em Bears!

4:42 PM  
Blogger Kessa said...

I'm true to my Alma Mater, Neil. There is nothing wrong with me paying a tribute to A&M on my blog. I didn't say anyhting here about rooting for the Aggs. (Which I didn't by the way, though I was caught singing the Texas Aggie Fight song quitely while A&M was winning the half-time show.) Don't confuse my away messages with my blog. ;-)

1:29 AM  
Blogger Neil E. Golemo said...

I'm sorry, Kessa. I didn't know there was a difference between the words you post here or upon your away messages. You'll excuse me for thinking the same person wrote them both. I'll try not to confuse "you" with "you?"

Besides I got the idea that you'd be rooting for them from: "I'm working the desk right now with my Aggie Sister t-shirt on and I'm watching all of these Maroon Out t-shirts walk by outside and I can't help but get excited about seeing them. I know that I find myself in the minority about this, but I'm not ashamed to say that I like Aggies, and I bleed maroon with them."

And what I posted wasn't an admonishment. Just my views as a person. Take 'em with a grain of salt, sweetie. Everyone else does. (It was a helluva game though! Good-Night! I'm still glowing!)

1:55 PM  
Blogger Kessa said...

I am the same person. I was just referring to the fact that not everyone who reads my blog also checks my away messages and saw my little joke about who I should root for, which by the way was really not a struggle I had, but just something fun that I put. I had no doubt that I would be cheering for the bears though I still love being a part of the Aggie comradery. I did take what you said with a grain of salt and I replied back with the same grain, which is why I put the little winking man at the end. ;-)

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an Aggie, and a Maroon bleeding Aggie Fan, yet a Baylor Sister, I appreciate your appreciation for "my school". To your defense....I did recieve a number of phone calls Saturday night (from you) as the Aggies shamfully lost what I heard was a good fight. You played well, and came out on top. Congrats to all Bears! AND...after listening to and sharing your messages with my fellow Aggs, I came to the conclusion, that my Aggie -loving sister, will always be a Bear. Enjoy your victory for the time being....but we will be back next year!

1:37 PM  

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