Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I Got Nuttin'

I am one-hundred percent spent. I tried hard a few times during finals to think of something to write about but nothing came. Actually, there are plenty of things that I have thought of to write about. It is the coherence of thoughts that is not coming. The only thoughts that are somewhat coherent are anything about Modern European Philosophy, Christian Ethics, World Religions and, of course, Greek. I have absorbed and retained the information so well that I can't stop thinking about it. Strange. I am doing my best for the next couple of days to unwind myself.

On a random note, this post really isn't about anything. I just didn't want my readers to think that I have bailed on 'em. I noticed that my number of readers and page loads actually went UP during finals. Considering that most of my readers are college students, I think it is probably an accurate assumption to make that my friends were coming to my site as a means of procrastination and my lack of posting did not satisfy. Glad to know that I didn't feed your vices.

On another random note, this is my fiftieth post. :) Although you wouldn't know that by looking at my profile. It still says that I am at a measly thirty-three. Does anyone know how to change that? It also says that I only have 285 profile views for the past several months when my statcounter says otherwise. I don't really care about the profile views, but it does annoy me that my number of posts is not accurate. You's the OCD perfectionist in me. I don't really know how Blogger does it's counting so is it messing up on anyone else'? Do I have to do something special when I republish my blog? I didn't have to before, but I don't know what is wrong with it.

On another random note, I'm not a tree as one commentator that I do not know said. I'm in the tree on my profile pic. It's my tree on campus. Don't worry, I'll share. I pick a favorite tree most places that I spend adequate amount of time at. I have one at my old house, both grandparents houses, Alto Frio, and some other places. Call me a tree-hugger. I can take. What can say?...I like to climb trees. This one on campus is by far my favorite. In the summer time and early fall it's leaves grow so large that some are bigger than my head. During the winter it looses every single leaf. A lot of trees can't do that. They will only loose a few, but this one goes stark naked during the winter. After it's leaves have bloomed awhile in the spring, it starts to bloom tiny white flowers. After awhile they start to fall on the ground and that is when this picture was taken. Now that you know the life of my tree and I have completely bored you, me and my fried brain are signing off.

I hope to have something better to offer you when my brain has gone through extensive rehab and healing.


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