Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I'm converting. I started playing withs Macs almost a year ago, (compliments of Scott and Rebecca.) Almost as soon as I started playing with them I have wanted an iBook. I don't really have a good reason for wanting a laptop other than I was so tired of being cramped in my room around midterms and finals when it was beautiful outside because I had to write papers. I also wanted to be able to write my papers at CG's with the rest of my friends when the clock reached the later hours of the evening. Other than conveience, I don't have a good reason. Why a Mac instead of what I've worked on for the last twelve years of my life? (I remember Windows '93.) There are a few reasons. I guess the main one is because I have never heard a bad thing about their customer service. Mainly because most people that I have talked to have NEVER had to even talk to customer service because their machines are so reliable. But in the few cases that there has been a problem, Macintosh backed thier product and their "satisfaction guarunteed" policy. I have not had the same same experience with my machine. Although, I must say that once I stopped running ME and got XP on my comp there was a significant improvement. The other reasons I would want a Mac... honestly....I never remember until I am actually working on one. I do get a little frustrated about having to learn a new operatiing system but I am getting more efficient the more I am able to play with friend's. (Thanks again to Scott and Rebecca.)

I do currently own one Macintosh product. My dad won an iPod and some other bonuses through his company for having top sales for the fiscal year and he gave me the iPod for my birthday. I don't think that i have fully enjoyed it as much as other people would have. I was very excited about it and I have enjoyed it but its not something that I couldn't live without. It will be nice to have when I am on long road trips since I no longer have a CD player in my car but I haven't found much everyday use for it. think it may also come in handy durring long nights at the library when I want to play my study music. I think I will be able to appreciate and enjoy it more once I can finally lay my hands on that iBook... Maybe one of these days...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Windows 93? lol. Windows 95 you mean? Yeah macs are great, but I still love PC's. Maybe you can get one this summer. I know Apple used to have really good financing deals for students. Hope everything is going well for you. ~Adam

6:15 PM  
Blogger Kessa said...

Well see, I thought about which Windows version it was... and at first I typed Windows 95 but then changed it because I thought I remembered working on my first non-DOS program when I was in 6th grade which was in 93-94. I don't remember...but you get the point.

8:47 PM  

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