Friday, April 15, 2005


Today has been a rough day. I worked a full twelve hour shift and though it was good, it was exhausting. On my way home, I received a voice-mail from my closest high school friend letting me know that a girl (Angelique) that we went to high school with (my high school was quite small) and some of her family had been murdered in Castroville by her ex-boyfriend. (Story here.) While checking the story online, I received an e-mail from my life group leader saying that Edith, one of our life group members died yesterday morning.

Both deaths hit me hard in different ways. Angelique was young, (my age, 22,) and though I didn't know her that well, I can say with much certainty that she was not a Christian. This was very upsetting to me for obvious reasons. I know many wonderful things about Edith. One of the best things about her is that she lived a long, full life and she was a Christian. Edith lived for eighty-seven years. God also enabled her to forgive someone that had caused great pain in her life before she died. There is much to celebrate about in Edith's life. I will miss her terribly.

I don't have any great and profound thoughts (which is usually the case,) but I did want to take a moment to reflect on these deaths and the impact that they had on my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wanted to say hi and that i found this site because i did a search for the name kessa on xanga. my name happens to be kessa as well, and although the years are different i happen to be born on 2/4/85...coinkidink...

11:19 AM  

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