Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Galactic Dilema for the Next Generation

Tonight I was one of the crazies who saw the first showing of the last installment of Star Wars that started at 12:01 AM Thursday, May 19th, (hence, why I am writting this at nearly four in the morning.) I have no complaints about the movie at all. I thought that is was even better than Episodes 1 & 2 (not to put those down, because afterall, you can't have a 3 without a 1 and a 2.) Also, because of the way all the connections were beautifully made, I liked it better than the original three, (not to put those down either, because afterall, there wouldn't have been a 3 without a 4, 5, & a 6.) is the dilema. I'm sure that I'm not the first to think about this either. As I have watched and enjoyed the movies, I've thought that years down the line when I have kids and they are old enough to appreciate Star Wars, I would show them the movies in the order that they came out: 4,5,6,1,2,3. But then I saw 3 tonight and now I don't know what I'll do when I have kids...(thank goodness I won't truly have to worry about this for many years.) The obvious benefits of seeing the movies in the order that they came out is that the audience gets the joy of seeing the last piece of the puzzle be set in place. There is a greater feeling of completeness when the movies are viewed in that order. On the otherhand, one of the benefits of seeing them in chronological order is that the suspense in watching the movies is much greater. Though I think Lucas did a great job of building suspense, despite the fact that his audience knows what is going to happen, it is still rather anticlimatic when you are watching Obi-Wan fight Anakin and Yoda fight Chancelor Palpatine and you know that even though they look defeated at times, you already know that they are not going to die in Episode 3. I think it would be neat to see what someone thinks of the duo-trilogy if they watched it in that order.

So there is the dilema. Like I said, thank godness I won't be worrying about it for a long time from now, but it's still an interesting thought. Any oppinions on the matter?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that I would show my kids the movies in the order I've seen it. Though I do support the idea of build up supension, I think that I would rather have my kids appreciate the movies at the same calaber I have. They would defiantly have to see it the way I did. Although my memories, I don't remember seeing A New Hope first, I remember seeing Return of the Jedi.
- Card

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry 'bout the typos...didn't get enough sleep last night.

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've definitely thought about this AND had this discussion with friends. You see, I'm all about doing things IN ORDER (due to my anal retentive/obsessive compulsive nature) ... however ... there is that whole thing about them experiencing it as you did. Also, if they saw it from 1-6, don't you think they'd be extremely disapointed with the abbrupt change in film quality/special effects between eps. 3 and 4 (at least we all know that the poor quality of script sure never changes throughout, ugh ...)? But perhaps they would understand more of what is going on in the plot right from from first viewing if watching in the correct order ... HOWEVER, maybe it's like the Chronicles of Narnia ... I mean, if you read those books in chronological order you just don't fully grasp the concept of and wonder that is Narnia from the very begining. I mean, the Magician's Nephew? Come on. Not that thrilling. *sigh* Guess this will forever remain an unanswerable question.

Maybe I'll experiment with two different kids ...

6:29 AM  

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