Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Game 4

"It took two days" but we finally ended the game. A 1:00 in the morning (central time) the Spurs take the win in overtime.

I have seen a lot of San Antonio Spurs games in my life and a many of them have been playoff games. But...in my fifteen years of watching the Spurs, (since I was seven) I don't remember ever seeing a game with as many horrible calls as there were tonight. Fortunately the Spurs proved to be the better team even in a game against three officials and they still came out on top in a well rehearsed over time game, (their third overtime game in the past month, without Tim for most of this OT also.) I should be writting a paper that's due soon, but instead I couldn't let this game go by without singing the praises of just a few of the amazing players in this game. I am handing out a few awards tonight to some of the star players in tonight's game.

The OT King Award This award goes to Tony Parker for ruling the over time minutes and scoring most of our points in the last minutes. Having Tony in our game makes the loss of Avery a little more bearable for me.

The Gumby Award Game after game I watch Manu Ginobli take beating after beating for every opposing member on the court. The way he gets clotheslined and punched and pulled and yet still gets on his feet like nohting happened makes me wonder if the guy is made of the same substance as Gumby. I have never seen someone take a beating like Manu does and still walk away form every game. He is one of the toughest players I've ever seen.

The Humble Leader Award Though I think that each Spur is a leader to the team in their own way (which is one of the things that makes them so great) I think that Tim Duncan did a phenomenal job at leading the Spurs tonight in points and in tolerance and patience of the pathetic calls. Tim "fouled out" a minute into the OT. The final foul called on him could only be laughed at. Whoever it was that had the ball tripped over his own feet and fell and though the replay showed over and over again that Tim never touched him, he still took the foul. Instead of pouting and arguing with the ref like many players are known to do, he instead gathers his team and pumps them up for the last minutes encouraging them to not let the fouls and bad calls get to them.

The Funniest Sportcaster Award It should be no surprise to anyone that I think that Sean Elliot is the best sportscaster the Spurs have ever had. Since he played with them for so long and he traveled to a championship with them he knows them better than any other sportscaster they've had in the past. He also says exactly what he is thinking and his sarcastic one liners leave me rolling in the floor with laughter. I've enjoyed watching the Spurs play for fifteen years, but Sean takes the enjoyment to a new level.

I know my awards are cheesy but I wanted to praise the Spurs for an amazing game. Anyone out there agree?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too stayed up late to watch the Spurs "game" versus the Denver Thuggets. I agree with your awards, and was glad to see the Spurs keep their cool the entire night despite the bad calls. I think coach Pop should get an award for his leadership and comprehension of both the game on the floor and the historical/histarical calls made by the refs.

-The Card

12:09 AM  
Blogger myleswerntz said...

kessa, who is this card?

9:34 AM  
Blogger Kessa said...

Remember the "boyfriend card?" Well... it's the same guy that stayed at your house. :-)

9:26 PM  

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