Tuesday, July 19, 2005

My Look-a-Like

When I was in high school I used to get told at least once a week (that is not an exageration)that I looked like Katie Holmes, by people in school and customers at work. All though I don't get told that often anymore it still happens on occasion and there are some people like my friend Jen who has known me for many years now and she still tells me that nearly everytime I see her, (which is only once ever couple of months.) I like the idea and I take it as a compliment.

My sister left an entertaining message on my voicemail today. I went something like this:

I was listening to the radio this morning and I heard the Dawson's Creek song which made me think of you and the CD you made,Dawson's Creek: Feeding the Addiction for your friends (and for me, I will admit,) and then it made me think about Katie Holmes and then it made me think about how you have been told how you look like Katie Holmes and then it made me think about how this morning I heard that she was engaged to Tom Cruise. So, I thought about you and I wondered how you felt about your look-a-like being engaged to Tom Cruise. Who knows, maybe if he had met you first, you'd be engaged to him. Maybe he would have thought you were cuter. Who knows? But then I thought about him being into all that Scientology stuff and then I though you're better off without him.

Just an entertaining message I thought I'd share from my sister. It made me laugh after a long and tiring day.

I originally made this post about a month ago, but I'm not too savy in the picture posting department, (as you can see) so it took me awhile to get these posted. Any suggestions on how I can get the pics to post to a certain post instead of in their own post?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kess, it's all in the eyes! You've both got the same eyes. (The brown hair, skin tone, smile, nice teeth, etc. contribute to it as well ...)

6:00 AM  

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