Sunday, October 02, 2005

Da Boston Blues

I got da blues... da Boston Blues. Ok, that sounds corny, I know but it's true for me. I cannot seem to shake Boston from my mind. A year ago on this day I was on a plane leaving Boston on a very last minute trip. Kelli came to me and asked me if I wanted to go check out Gordon Conwell because their Fall premier was in two weeks. I laughed at her and jokingly said "yes." Then she told me she found tickets for $130, (she left out the part that the airline was going bankrupt and that's why the tickets were so cheap, but we ended up being ok.) So we booked our flight to Logan airport and in two weeks we were off. I had zero expectations for this trip.

About a year before then I had this crazy idea that I wanted to go out of state for seminary. Why was it a crazy idea you ask? The main resaon was because any place I would want to go would be more expensive than staying at Truett and the other reason is because even though Truett is "the easier thing to do" I don't see it as being a bad consolation prize at all. I knew that I would be very happy if I stayed at Truett. After Kelli and Linds and I toook our Spring Break road trip up and down the East coast I thought that I had gotten the travel bug out of me and I was going to be ok with "settling" with Truett. So as I was getting ready for the trip to Gordon Conwell I wasn't even considering it as an option for seminary. I was happy with Truett and I had stopped looking at other places. Going on this trip was simply going to be a fun trip to Boston for me.

I was completely caught off guard on the trip. From the moment we got there to the moment we stepped off og the plane back in Texas I was overwhelmed with excitement and fear balled up inside of me threatening to ecplode inside of me. I can't really explain what it was about GC and Boston that I was so excited about. The seminary had everything to offer that I loved about Truett, but it also had the added factor of being 2,108 miles away from my comfort zone at home. Why wis this appealing to me? I honestly have no idea. I just feel that for some reason I'm going to be missing out on a certain area of growth in my life if don't take myself out of all of my comfortable luxuries and try something off of my typical path to follow right now.

I can still have the option of transfering to GC and I have considered trying to find a way to do my mentorship there. I have also thought about not doing the dual degree program at Truett and only getting my M.Div here and then getting my MA in Counseling at GC's program. That would give also give me a great opportunity to take some crossover classes at other Boston campuses like Harvard or the other BU and other places. I still have to remember though that even with the scholarship at GC it would still be significantly more than Truett.

I don't know why I can't shake it from my head. I find myself reminiscing in my "Boston and Environs" and "Massachusetts" travel books quite frequently. What am I to do?

Linds, Kelli, and me on Singing Beach on a dreary day in the North Shores. Posted by Picasa

Lots of time on the "T" Posted by Picasa

Where Everybody Knows Your Name Posted by Picasa

Fanueil Hall in Quincey Market looks a little bit like Baylor In Boston. Posted by Picasa

Me under the Weepeing Willow that I dreamed of getting proposed to under (too long of a dream to write about in the picture caption) in Public Garden. Posted by Picasa


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