Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Reincarnations of Kessa

I needed a break from studying Greek today, so I decided to google my name. So call me vain, but if you had a different name, you’d probably do it too. (I bet even some of you who don’t have different names have done the same.) I was glad that I did, because I found out about a bunch of past lives that I have had. I am almost in my finale stage of reincarnation but I have had some interesting past lives. Here they are:

I first entered into this world as a shoe made by Naturalizer. I was kind of expensive and not very attractive at all. Though I was in this life for about seven years, I soon became, worn out and exhausted and my owner decided that it was time to discard of me. Into the dumpster I went and faded out of life.

From there was born the daughter of two pure-bred Harlequin Great Danes. I was born on July 30th and I was bred for temperament, size and type. Check out the pictures from when I was four months old!! I entered into the show ring not long after those pics. were taken. I’m not sure when I passed on out of that life, but it must have been a sad day. My owners were good to me, and I in turn tried to love them and be loyal to them.

I took a step up the ladder and in my next life and I was born New Jersey as a milking cow. This was great because not only could my owners provide for me by feeding and taking care of me, but I could give back to them milk in return for their good will. I also had two daughters, one of whom took my name sake. Take a look at my great milking stats here. Unfortunately, my owners went bankrupt. I still produced a lot of good milk for them, but Oak Farms and other larger companies were just too hard for our little farm to compete with. My owners had a hard time recovering and eventually needed my meat more than my milk. I felt honored that I could give my life for their well-being.

After my life as a milking cow I finally got the honor to be born as a human. My real name was Franchesca, but I wanted to go by Kessa. I was a ballet dancer , but I struggled with an eating disorder. I was able to overcome it and lived a long full life. After I died, my good friend Steven Levenkron wrote a book about my life story and my struggle with Anorexia Nervosa. The book is appropriately titled The Best Little Girl in the World. You can buy my book here on Amazon. He also wrote a book after that as a sequal. It's my self-titled book, Kessa The book also inspired a painting. The idea behind the painting is the different faces that I put on and the ideals that I felt I had to life up to.

I next entered into my current life. You already know plenty about that one. There are a bunch of imposters out there that created blogs with my name such as Kessalicious. But do not be deceived, there is only one Kessa. There is an equestrian camp that has been named after me in this life. I have never been to Kamp Kessa, but I know that it is a great place. They offer a great experience for people of all ages, (mainly youth) and they are about community building and teaching good morals. I was only about ten minutes from it when I went to Wilmore, Kentucky to visit Asbury Seminary, but we Kelli and I didn’t get a chance to stop by. If you are ever in the area, you should stop by and get a horse riding lesson.

I will culminate all of my reincarnations as the great sun Kessa. If you are an avid Star Wars fan you may already know about my existence as a sun. You can read all about my system here. This is also evidence that Mormonism is true. I will become my own god in the next world.

I enjoyed researching my past lives and I recommend to others to do the same.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've googled myself before too... one of the most interesting things I foudn was this:


Scroll down to the story in ZEPHYRHILLS. I swear it wasn't me.


7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops... a href...


7:49 PM  

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