Monday, October 10, 2005

iConvert Revisited

Ok, so those of you who really looked at the pic below noticed that the ring was on my right ring finger and not my left. When I read the post I wrote before that a friend pointed out that it kind of sounded like I was getting engaged. It seemed probable too since Richard came into town, so, I thought it would be funny to post something like that.

Actually, my surprise just came today. As I am typing this I am sitting inside my favorite coffee shop (CGs) typing on my very own, (not my friends) iBook. As most of you know, I have been wanting one for well over a year now and I finally got it last week and it came via FedEx today. I wrote about my conversion here. I also got a free printer with it which was very convenient since mine was shot about two years ago.

My dad is still convinced that I am going to be so upset for getting this and he thinks that I am going to regret it when I get into the "real world." He does know that so far I am pleased with it and I'm adapting to the new OS pretty quickly since I've been playing around on other Macs for so long, so that's good. So far there are no regrets and I don't foresee any in the near or far future. I am having so much fun on it!!

Oh yeah...sorry 'bout the mean engagement joke. I just couldn't resist. It was too easy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kess, don't you EVEN mess with me like that! Every once in a while I get the chance to just click on your blog link really quickly and read the latest entry (you write so much that I definitely don't have time to go back and read all that I missed, unfortunately), but tonight the first thing I saw was that recent pic of you and the nasty little caption that went underneath it! I was going to be OH-SO-HURT if I found out about ANY sort of engagement from your BLOG! =) Just so you know ... I demand that I be called DAY OF any such engagement. I think that as your Highschool BFF I'm entitled to at least that! ;) Plus, I know Richard ... and like ... knew you guys in high school when he was crushing HARD CORE ... heh ... and then I was around when you guys became the gross, gushy couple that I'm sure you remain today. =) Hee hee. Everything in this blog comment is said with the MOST LOVE POSSIBLE, by the way. I really miss you, girl. MWAH! Oh, and congrats on the ibook! WHEW!

2:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey we were never the "gross, gushy couple." I don't know what your talking about. You must be jealous or something.


11:48 AM  
Blogger The Cliff said...

I happen to know for a fact and by witnessing recent phone calls from one side and seeing them choosing movies from my collection that said couple can be both gross and gushy. It does not suprse me in the least to find that gross and/or gushy was a staple state of this union in past days.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Kessa said...

Um...I would like defend myself and said partner from accusations stated in the above comments that said couple is not gross and gushy. We're just happy. We keep most expressions of physical attraction in it's appropriate place except for occassional hand-holding and googly-eyes. We can't help it if we're just that cute together!! Keep in mind that I hold power to trash your comments if you choose to trash my lifestyle which is not innappropriate. Much love to both of you!!

2:20 PM  
Blogger Kessa said...

Oh yeah!! And Meg, don't worry about finding out something like that here. You will be one of the first to know and this will be one of the last places that I will announce something like that. Miss ya' girl!! BTW, what are you doing on Friday, Nov. 18?

2:23 PM  
Blogger Bridgette said...

I have to say that I was about as jaw dropped as Megan, and did look extra hard to see the ring finger. Kessa - BAD joke! However, Kess, I am very happy that you got your new IBook and just tell Daddy that you won't be sorry because you will be more well rounded because you have the ability to use either/or. Kind of like being ambidextrous! And my last comment is to Prince Charming himself....I certainly don't want to find out about this engagement via blogger, but I better get a phone call well in advance asking permission for such an event! You just thought big bad Dad was the approval....Big Sis is the ultimate judge! ~wink~

3:14 PM  

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