Thursday, November 18, 2004


I'm so excited because my youth minister, Rob will be in San Aantonio this weekend. Rob has probably been the most influential person in my life. When my dad left my family Rob was the only stable person in my life that I could turn to for support. I have long considered Rob the godly, fatherly example in my life. When looking for a mate, many girls will model what they are looking for after their own father. Though there are a few qualities in my own father that I am looking for, I am mainly looking for someone with many of the qualities that I find in Rob. He has been one of the prime tools in shaping and challenging the way that I live my life as a Christian.

So, Rob is in San Antonio this weekend and I will be as well so I will get to see him for the first time in over a year. If he was my youth minister back home then why isn't he in San Antonio all the time, you ask. Well, a year and a half ago, Rob was called to a church in San Francisco. Though he had repeatedly turned down church offers and remained at our church for nineteen years, this was the second time that the church in SF, (Redwood Chapel,) had called him. Unfortunately, but also fortunately, Rob accepted the call. I say "unfortunately" because, well the obvious: one of the most significant men in my life (and there aren't many) is a thrity hour drive away. I say "fortunately" because I think it was a great thing for Rob. Though it has had it's share of challenges and rough spots for him and his family, I think the church up there appreciates him more than my church at home ever could. To explain that would be another blog in itself, but that's all I've got for tonight. I should be working on Greek right now, anyway.


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